Sunday, October 26, 2014

Today's reading:  James 4-5

"So humble yourselves before God.  Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."  James 4:7 NLT

You've heard the saying, It's not about me.

Well, not to cause any commotion or disruption--but it is about me.

And, you.

It's about humbling ourselves.  Throwing ourselves at God's mercy.  Realizing we're nothing and He's everything.  Pushing aside the need and desire to place blame on anyone and everyone else--your parents, your preacher, your music director's choice in music, your job, your health, your kids, etc.

It's about seeing that we resist the devil.  Knowing what temptations we have.  Staying away from the places/things that trigger those evil desires.  Not depending upon anyone else to re-arrange their own lives to help you in your own struggle against sin.

So, you see, it is about us.

We have a mighty and loving Savior who has provided us salvation, power, grace and love--but we have to be willing to take Him up on His offer!

So, friends, it is about us!

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