Wednesday, September 6, 2023


Today's reading: Psalm 105-107

"Who can list the glorious miracles of the Lord? Who can ever praise him half enough?" Psalm 106:2 NLT

If I had unlimited notebooks, I could never jot down every miracle God's done or reason to praise Him!

If ink were given to me by the semi-truck loads, I could never write down all the attributes of His goodness to me!

If I were to take a sabbatical, do nothing but scribe word after word of His amazing acts of love for me, I would still never find the end to reasons to honor Him!

I think Greater Vision says it best in a few lines from one of their songs, I Could Never Praise Him Enough...

'But if I were to spend unending hours on my kneesPraising Him for everythingHe's ever done for me… I could never praise Him enough'
His miracles are innumerable. Reasons to praise Him rise and fall and rise again, like the breath in our lungs.

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