Tuesday, September 3, 2024


Today's reading: Numbers 13-16

"But Caleb tried to encourage the people as they stood before Moses. Let's go at once to take the land, he said. We can certainly conquer it! But the other men who had explored the land with him answered, We can't go up against them! They are stronger than we are! So they spread discouraging reports about the land among the Israelites. The land we explored will swallow up any who go to live there. All the people we saw were huge." Numbers 13:30-32 NLT

There is a very good likelihood that within the next 24 hours, or less, you will meet at least one 'Caleb' and at least one or two of 'the other men'.

'Caleb's' will edify, promote, encourage and bolster you to the extent that you believe they should be wearing cheerleader costumes and carrying pompons.

The 'other men'? The other men will rain on your parade, pull the plug on your dreams, pop the balloon of hope you carry and, on the worst of days, kick you while you're down.

'Caleb's' will push you to advance in your faith walk. The 'other men' will tell you every sin you've committed, remind you of your past and make you feel as if it's not worth the effort.

I cannot tell you who to choose as friends, but I know who I would choose for myself. Who I do choose for my acquaintances, my friends, my tribe--'Caleb's'!

How does one find these types of encourager-s? Well, the best way to find one is to be one!

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