Today's reading: Ecclesiastes 3-4
"There is a time for everything...A time to be quiet and a time to speak up." Ecclesiastes 3:7bNLT
I'm begging you to follow God's lead as you step into the voting booth this next week.
Vote for the right reason, vote for the right to bring godliness into our dark world, vote for the person who best stands for God's rules.
Then, I beg you to watch your words.
No matter the outcome of the election.
No matter which 'team' wins.
No matter who gets seated on the throne of our country.
Watch what you say.
You see, there is a time to be quiet and a time to speak up.
Listen for God's leading on that as much as you listen for His leading on the ballot itself.
As Christians, our words have a very powerful influence on our culture, on our witness and on our faith in God.
Choose what you say wisely, when you need to say anything at all.
Choose silence when your words would not magnify God, bring peace to a conversation or bring glory to the cause of Christ.
Our comments, opinions, debates and remarks are important--when they are God led.