Tuesday, July 9, 2024


Today's reading: Leviticus 13-15

"In this way, you will keep the people of Israel separate from things that will defile them, so they will not die as a result of defiling my Temple that is right there among them." Leviticus 15:31 NLT

I don't know if you've read through the processes and procedures God instituted for the Israelites in regards to skin diseases, mold in their houses and a woman's monthly cycle--but it's exhausting.

Details. Specifics. Proper order. Intricate processes.

And after all the instructions? God tells them/us why--to keep us separate from the world.

To keep us clean.


Ready for His use at all times.

What are we doing today that keeps us 'on the starting block' and ready for His service?

What is He asking us to do today that will keep our heads, hearts, hands and homes ready to do His bidding?

What spiritual disciplines are keeping us so busy that we don't have time, or want to, to dip our toe in the cesspool of the world?

Here is the list I came up with for myself. If I make the time, and take the effort, to do these each and every day, I won't be tempted to become like the world...


Bible time.


Being salt and light.

Speaking truth.

Forgiving others. 

Sharing the Gospel.

Encouraging others.


Gathering with fellow believers.

What would you add? What helps you keep the right heart attitude and mind track?

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