Saturday, December 17, 2011

Today's reading: 2 John

"How happy I was to meet some of your children and find them living in the truth, just as we have been commanded by the Father." 2 John 4 NLT

I've had the exciting, wearying and very rewarding opportunity to work with the kids in our church on their Christmas program which will be presented tomorrow night. We've practiced songs, said and re-said lines and worked together on how best to behave when the spotlight's on and it's not our turn to speak or sing.

The kids in our church are being raised by parents of faith--and that shows in the kids. Now, being a parent myself, I know godly rearing is not always evident in how one behaves. But the influence and the beliefs are there to be tapped into when the behavior warrants doubt.

The kids, play directors and I have decided that we're going to do our best, work our hardest and trust God to use our little Christmas play to reach someone who doesn't yet know the Christmas Baby. We remind the kids and ourselves of that very important task at every practice...

And I'm reminding myself of that on a daily basis. You see, the Lord has commanded me to do what we're doing on the stage where ever I am! Not just in December! Not just when the spotlight is on me!

I'm one of His, that gives me an important role to play!

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