Friday, July 12, 2024


Today's reading: Proverbs 10

"The fears of the wicked come true, so will the hopes of the godly." Proverbs 10:24 NLT

So with do you have?

Fears or hopes.

Which one rules your thoughts?

If fear is what fills your mind and heart, then fearful things will come to pass. Bad things. Nightmarish things.

But, if hope fills your thoughts?

If your heart and mind, eyes and ears, are tuned in to God in a hope-filled anticipation, the sky's the limit!

This goes way beyond a 'name it-claim it' type of mindset.

It's more, way more, than a positive thinking exercise.

A belief like this far surpasses anything a counselor, therapist or pastor can prescribe or pray over you.

It's a God thing.

When we choose to live for the Lord, every day and in every decision we make, we can hope for the promises He gives--in His time and in His way.

Isn't that exciting? Doesn't that thrill you? What a breath of fresh air! 

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