Saturday, February 17, 2018

Today's reading: Leviticus 13-15

"In this way, you will keep the people of Israel separate from things that will defile them, so they will not die as a result of defiling my Tabernacle that is right there among them." Leviticus 15:31 NLT

Defile- to make unclean or impure; to corrupt the purity or perfection of; to violate the sanctity of; to sully or dishonor.

I read the words in this section of the Old Testament and want to go wash my hands: infection, defile, unclean, contagious, impure.

I could quite easily disregard today's Scripture as old fashioned, from another time or irrelevant to today and now--or I could see just what I asked God to show me...Himself.

He shows me in this reading that He so desires me to be able to be near Him. To be 'clean' enough to be in His presence. To have nothing between us.

He shows me that in how specific, detailed and unmistakable He was in giving direction for keeping His children from being defiled. How He desired them to be separate from things that would bring dishonor to us--and to Him.

That's not changed.

It cannot change.

He, His laws and His love for us are unchanging!

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