Today's reading: Psalm 96-98
"Publish his glorious deeds among the nations. Tell everyone about the amazing things he does." Psalm 96:3 NLT
Never has it been easier to share the Good News of God's greatness than it is now.
Livestreamed videos allow churches to reach into the homes of shut-ins and families quarantined by illness.
Facebook is an open forum for you to share your testimony with friends and family--and complete strangers.
Instagram allows you to post pictures of God's creation with verses attached that shout of His greatness.
Snail mail still carries notes of encouragement and hope to folks in the farthest away places for the price of a stamp or two.
The click of a button or two can get your thoughts and words into countries your little feet may never step.
A simple text message or phone call can lift the spirits of another who needs to know someone is praying for them--at any time.
Are you taking advantage of this wonderful opportunity? Are you seeing the technological advances as gifts from God? Are you using them to tell everyone about the amazing things He has done?