Sunday, July 7, 2024

Today's reading: Philippians 3-4

"Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the priceless gain of knowing Christ Jesus as my Lord..." Philippians 3:8 NLT

What, if anything, are you stacking up again your relationship with Christ?

Better yet, what's getting more of your attention, time and effort than incubating your Christian walk?


Prince Charming? Princess All I've Been Looking For?

Your kids? (Yes, this can happen--our littles can quickly become idols.

Your weekend? (You 'deserve' a rest...It's the 'only' time we can take the boat out...I need 'me' time.)

Your offenses? (Someone's at fault for your decision not to worship corporately.)

Paul knew a good life, a life full of accomplishments, discipline and deserved accolades, but once he came to know Jesus--everything else paled in comparison.

Let's watch what we allow to come between us and time with the Lord, in His Word, on our knees and worshiping with fellow believers. Let's check our hearts for little gods we're setting up for worship in our hearts.

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