Tuesday, December 28, 2021


Today's reading: Isaiah 40

"To whom will you compare me? Who is my equal? asks the Holy One." Isaiah 40:25 NLT

I've made the statement on numerous occasions within the walls of the women's Sunday school class I am honored and blessed to lead, Comparison is one of the worst sins Christian women commit.

It's true!

We gals, maybe you fellas, too, often measure our worth against the measuring stick of another lady. Not only is that unfair to ourselves, but it is not at all what God ever intended.

But we don't stop there.

We tend to compare God as well.

We hold Him up against our dreams.

We measure Him up to our efforts.

We put His timing, His answers and His ways on a scale of our own making--usually involving a clock or a calendar.

We see how He chose to answer another's prayer, and hold Him to the same expectations.

We claim against Him the verses that say He is good and for us, but look over the verses that make a requirement of obedience and commitment to Him.

There is no one or no thing to which we can compare God. Never has been, never will be.

His ways, His abilities, His character, His thoughts, His purposes, His reasoning, His love--none of these can be understood by our little minds, let alone ascribe any of them to anything or anyone else.

No one is His equal. No one!

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