Saturday, October 25, 2014

Today's reading:  Acts 9-10

"And the voice replied, I am Jesus, the one you are persecuting!  Now get up..."  Acts 9:6 NLT

This was Saul/Paul's call to the ministry.  Paul the great evangelist.  Paul the spreader of the Gospel.  Paul the God-inspired writer of a majority of our New Testament.  Paul the world changer.

'Now get up', was his first order to obey.  His first command to follow through on.  His first assignment.  His first opportunity to serve His Lord and Savior.

Our calls are no different.

He tells us to 'get up'.

Get up from the gutter you may have fallen in.

Get up from the mess you've made--or have had made for you.

Get up from the pit you've dug for yourself.

Get up from your crumbled pedestal.

Get up from your comfortably cozy bed.

Get up from your couch.

Get up from your pew.

And when does He tell us to do it?


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