Today's reading: Romans 13-14
"While we live, we live to please the Lord. And when we die, we go to be with the Lord. So in life and in death, we belong to the Lord." Romans 14:8 NLT
Do you recall being in grade school and having to shop for school supplies?
Pencils--#2 only, crayons, glue (or paste, if you are old enough), filler paper and kleenex?
Maybe as you progressed in the grades, you were also asked to purchase pocket folders, specific colors for specific classes?
What I recall most vividly was the time and effort it required for Mom, then myself as I got older, to get our name written on each item. Owner identification was required on every yellow pencil, on every box of crayons, on every bottle of glue and on every folder.
If the teacher found a runaway pencil on the floor--she knew who it belonged to.
If a box of crayons was found lingering on a shelf or a desktop--she knew the owner.
If a folder needed returned--she knew just who to get it to.
Isn't that what this verse says?
As believers, our lives are stamped with His name!
We should live in such a way that no matter where we are found throughout our day, people should see God's identification on us.
In the grocery store...
In the meeting...
In the midst of heated discussions or helping with homework...
Up to our elbows in dirty dishes...
Biting our tongue when He hasn't asked us to speak...
Accepting constructive criticism from a godly mentor...
People should see that we belong to the Lord--and we should remember that people can see it.