Monday, February 1, 2021


Today's reading: Genesis 20-23

"Then Abraham looked up and saw a ram caught by its horns in a bush. So he took the ram and sacrificed it as a burnt offering on the altar in place of his son." Genesis 22:13 NLT

Imagine with me the look on Abraham's face and the beating of his heart as he glanced over and saw a ram caught in the bushes beside the altar he had built.

What might he had done first?

Thrown down the knife he had been holding above Isaac?

Untie the ropes that he had used to bind Isaac to the altar?

Hug his boy?

Dropped to his knees in thanks to God?

The very next verse says what he did...

"Abraham named the place 'The Lord Will Provide..." Genesis 22:14 NLT

He renamed the very place he was standing.

He declared it, right then and there, a place where God had given him what he needed--and wanted.

He didn't have to contact the deed office. He needn't clear the new name with the real estate clerk at the country courthouse. He didn't bother with putting up new signage.

He knew in his heart.

He would never forget that place.

He would carry a piece of that plot of land forever in his heart and head no matter how far he traveled.

Do you have prime real estate like that?

Do you have places you have renamed? Places God has met you? Exact locations where you were standing when God provided?

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