Friday, May 27, 2016

Today's reading: Jeremiah 42-46

"And now the Lord God Almighty, the God of Israel, asks you: Why are you destroying yourselves?.." Jeremiah 44:7 NLT

Christians all over the world are facing persecution. The news is full of atrocities performed against God's people for various reasons. Wars, beheadings, bombings, mutilations, murder--all because the Gospel is offensive to some.

But the verse that jumped off the pages of the Bible this morning speaks to me of self-destruction.

The kind of destruction that is destroying us from the inside out...

-Like the strife we allow to separate us from the very body of believers God has ordained to bolster our faith.

-Like the sins we commit that absolutely and completely go against everything He commands of us.

-Like the confusion we are faced with because we don't spend enough time, or effort, studying the Bible.

-Like the bitterness too many of us allow to fester in our hearts like cancer.

-Like the busyness of life that pushes God farther an farther away from the centers of our lives.

-Like the health issues we overlook based upon the flippant premise that we'll receive a new body when we get to heaven.

So, why are we destroying ourselves?

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