Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Today's reading: Psalm 105-107

"Until the time came to fulfill his word, the Lord tested Joseph's character." Psalm 105:19 NLT

Maybe like Joseph you find yourself with family issues.

Or betrayed by who should be your nearest and dearest.

In a pit.

Sold out by another, or selling yourself, to the highest bidder--or to the fella that used the sweetest words.

Wrongfully, or correctly, accused by those standing around you--or by the one standing in the mirror.

In a prison.

Holding the fate of others in your hands...either by your words or your deeds.

Where ever have found yourself, you have on this side of each and every circumstance found God to be faithful.

You've found Him to be more than you needed.

More than you could have ever expected.

And you will again.

He is building you up into the person He created you to be.

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