Thursday, March 2, 2023


Today's reading: Job 17-18

"The righteous will move onward and forward, and those with pure hearts will become stronger and stronger." Job 17:9 NLT

Onward and forward is what the Word says.

Growth and increase.

Improvement and gaining.

But sometimes, well, sometimes we believers feel as if we're spinning our wheels. As if we are stuck in a rut. We feel, well, we feel like we're attempting to run around in a vat of cold molasses!

How about a checklist, of sorts, to help us get unstuck?

1. Are you in the Word? God promises His Word will reveal, relieve, restore, revive, refresh, renew, bring about repentance and reinvigorate even the hardest of hearts--or the slowest of faith walks!

2. Are you plugged in a Bible teaching church? Now I'm not asking if you attend church. Are you plugged in? Are you arriving ready to worship? Are you participating in worship? Are you serving? Are you seeking out a ministry, a class, a study?

3. Are you spending time listening for God to speak to you? You probably won't hear an audible voice, but if you are in His Word and not forsaking the assembling of yourselves together, you are probably hearing something. Something you need to begin. Something you need to stop. Something you might need help with. Someone you might reach out to. 

Take a few days to check your list off item by item.

Answer honestly.

Seek God's direction.

Then, with His guidance, pack up your bags--you'll be going onward and forward soon enough! 

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