Today's reading: Matthew 14-17
"Woman, Jesus said to her, your faith is great. Your request is granted. And her daughter was instantly healed." Matthew 15:28 NLT
I urge you to read the account of the interaction between Jesus and this Gentile woman in Matthew 15. It's a little raw. It's a little harsh. It's a little bit of an expose of the times they lived in--the tension between the races and the distinction between the genders.
It shows a woman who is in need. A woman who was desperate. A women who knew what she wanted for her daughter. A woman who had probably tried everything else.
It also shows us the side of a Savior who allowed someone to seek Him. To allow the circumstance to influence those around them--and us today. To bless the one who earnestly wanted all of Him and nothing else.
I want to be that woman. Even if it means being called a 'dog'. Even if it means lowering myself in the eyes of the world. Even if it means waiting for what everyone else believes to be the equivalent of waiting for the 'scraps to fall off the table'.
I want to be told my faith is great in regards to what I keep coming back to Him for, with and in!