Saturday, August 8, 2015

Today's reading: John 3-4

"But sir, you don't have a rope or a bucket, she said, and this is a very deep well. Where would you get this living water?' John 4:11 NLT

The  Samaritan woman was an excuse make much like myself. She was logical and she was practical.

Those things don't work with a Living, Mighty, All-powerful, Creator God.

Like when I say...

The doctors have their reports. There is no way in the world he/she can get better.

There have been too many bad choices made for anything good to come from this.

God, it's how You created me--why should either of us be surprised when I sin in that area.

I know You're a busy God.

I know you have a lot of folks to attend to.

I really cannot expect You to hear every single one of my prayers.


God didn't need the Samaritan woman's excuses and He doesn't need mine!

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