Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Today's reading: Exodus 37-40

A quick read of today's portion of Scripture reminds us of God's desire that we follow His instructions.

A slowed down read of today's portion of Scripture reminds us that God wants to be seen in the details of all He asks of us.

As in the building of the Tabernacle and all its furnishings.

We can see God in each and every feature of His earthly dwelling place.

We can find Him in every item used to worship Him.

We can observe His creativity in every particular request He made of those building His 'house'.

If we can see how specific He was in this task, why don't we notice His fingerprint in our daily lives?

In what He allows our lives to experience?

In what He permits into our testimonies?

In what He authorizes in order to build our character?

He is in each and every facet of our lives. From the formation of our very being in our mothers' wombs, to the time we are allowed in which to live, the people He ordains for us to live among and the opportunities He allows us to depend upon Him.

Are you seeing Him in the details?

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