Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Today's reading: Jeremiah 4-5

"And when your people ask, Why is the Lord our God doing this to us? you must reply, You rejected him and gave yourselves to foreign gods in your own land. Now you will serve foreigners in a land that is not your own." Jeremiah 5:19 NLT

Ever felt like you had no control of your own actions? Emotions? Reactions?

Walked through events like a puppet being manipulated by strings held by another?

Might it be that for too long, someone else has held the strings to your life?

Other gods have ruled you?

We like to think that we are in charge of who we worship, who we bow down to and who we let in and out of our lives--but in fact, unless it is God, we are controlled by them.

And before we know it, we are held captive by the same things we thought we have control over. 

We are being held hostage in our own bodies, our own heads, our own minds.

If you are feeling like an out-of-towner in your own self, spend some time with God. Allow Him to speak to your heart and soul about what or who has taken over. Let Him do some renovations that might need done.

He is willing and He is able!

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