Thursday, May 9, 2024


Today's reading: Psalm 54-56

"Its walls are patrolled day and night against invaders, but the real danger is wickedness within the city." Psalm 55:10 NLT

Maybe, like me, you seemingly have fewer external faith battles to fight than others.

Folks look at you like nothing phases you, nothing distracts you from your commitment to the Lord, nothing knocks you off your path.

But maybe, just maybe, like me, you battle more internal wars than anyone would ever understand.

Your mind is, at times, your worst enemy.

Your thoughts invade your 'faith space'.

Your doubts wreak havoc on your peace.

You can agree with the psalmist who knows a little something about internal battles, or as he says it, 'wickedness within the city'.

The continual questioning, the constant reasoning, the incessant banter with my thoughts versus 'thus saith the Lord'.

Sure, I might look strong on the outside, with few things ruffling my feathers--but inside? Inside there is a constant war raging that keeps me bent low at God's throne, leaning heavily on my Savior and crying out for my Father at all times.

What's 'within the city' is, most days, harder than what's outside it.

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