Friday, July 5, 2024


Today's reading: Proverbs 8-9

"Choose my instruction rather than silver, and knowledge over pure gold." Proverbs 8:10 NLT

Take your thoughts back to early grade school...

Your favorite teacher has just asked a question--and you know the answer!

You are sure about the answer!

You are confident you can present to the class, in a clear loud voice, the answer she is looking for! And in doing so, get the smile from her that says, Well, done!

You sit wiggling in your little desk chair, your arm stretched high, whispering loudly to yourself--Ooh, ooh, choose me! Choose me!

Can you see God doing that when we stand at a crossroad? When we have a decision to make? When life presents us with options that aren't bad but are good, better and best?

Anthropomorphism is what that's called--giving God humanlike attributes. Attempting to make Him more like us so that we can understand Him a little better.

He wants us to choose Him, His way, His will and His love more than anything.

He knows that what He has for us will benefit us more greatly than anything the world will offer.

He knows which decision will lead to better choices tomorrow and next year.

He knows where each 'rabbit hole' leads before we ever come to it.

Choose Him today--you will only be benefited by the choice.

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