Monday, February 6, 2017

Today's reading: Genesis 20-23

"Lay down the knife, the angel said. Do not hurt the boy in any way, for now I know that you truly fear God. You have withheld even your beloved son from me." Genesis 22:12 NLT

Abraham was willing to lay Isaac on the altar he had built. He was willing to tie him, 'bind' in the Hebrew language, to this altar. He had his knife raised above his only son, his long-awaited for son. That's when God stopped him.

I think this morning about what it is God may be asking me to lay down on the altar.

Maybe it's the rights I believe I have?

Or the feelings I think I deserve to harbor?

Or the labels I've pasted upon myself, or allowed others to place upon me?

Or might it be the comforts I keep, seek, console myself with?

The sins I've become quite accustomed to hiding in my heart and life?

The very strengths I believe have carried me thus far in life?

Or the lies I've come to believe?

The hidden things satan has told me don't affect anyone else?

My own plans, the agenda I've written out, the schedule I expect my life to keep?

I have plenty of things to lay upon an altar of sacrifice. May He realize my love and fear of Him as I place each and every one of them upon it.

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