Today's reading: 2 Samuel 22-24
"He makes me as surefooted as a deer, leading me safely along the mountain heights." 2 Samuel 22:34 NLT
Surefooted-not liable to stumble, fall or err.
You've watched the National Geographic documentaries about mountain goats.
Amazing creatures who spend their lives scaling the steepest heights, jumping from craggy outcrop to craggy outcrop, teetering on the edge of the world.
Know what?
They don't wake up each morning wondering if they can do what they've been made to do.
They don't worry about whether or not their kids will fall off the cliffs.
They don't fret over the height of the mountain before them.
They know what they have been made to do--and they do it.
David tells us God has created His children to do what He asks of them.
He tells us in this portion of Scripture that He has enabled us, He has empowered us, He has equipped us, He has created us to be as surefooted as the mountain goat as we maneuver this life He has called us to live.
So, go climb your mountain! Get all the way to the top! Shout for victory and then plant a flag their for the Lord!