Today's reading: Job 13-14
"Tell me, what have I done wrong? Show me my rebellion and my sin." Job 13:23 NLT
As many mysteries as there are in the Word of God, we have one answer that we cannot question, cannot doubt, cannot have to debate...
We know why Job was experiencing all that he was.
Chapter 1 tells us the confidence God placed in Job, his faith walk and his integrity. This confidence is what allowed God to say 'yes' to the enemy's test.
But, Job didn't know this single, most important fact.
Job didn't know the 'why'.
But in his integrity...
In his desperate loyalty to the Lord...
In his heartfelt desire to please God...
He asks God, What have I done wrong?
He places himself before the Lord for examination.
He isn't blaming the Lord.
He isn't blaming the Chaldeans.
He isn't blaming the winds that swooped across the plains and knocked down the house his children were in.
He sought God about his own heart.
Do we do the same?
Instead of blame-placing, do we place ourselves before the Lord?
Instead of pointing the finger at another, do we draw God's attention to our own hearts?
Do we take the time, with all sincerity, to ask the Lord--what about my heart?