Friday, August 30, 2024


Today's reading: Proverbs 20-21

"Don't say, I will get even for this wrong. Wait for the Lord to handle the matter." Proverbs 20:21 NLT

For the past several years, a 'campaign for justice' has been going on.

A young woman was killed, circumstances were cloudy, witnesses did not come forth, a court judgement was not what was desired.

It was a sad event.

All over our community there were signs, Justice for Molly.


Walmart parking lots, stuck to the back of cars, in parks, along highways, on back country roads and in the yards of several supporters.

The family and friends wanted justice.

I don't know the family. I don't have the documentation presented to the judge in the matter. I didn't know Molly. I don't know what happened the evening this soul stepped out into eternity, but I know this...sadly, many of us don't want justice (what's fair, reasonable and impartial), we want our way.

We want what we want. We want our side to win. We want to be noted in the annals of history that we were right. We want to get even--or at least make another hurt to the extent we have been hurt.

Solomon tells us that instead of righting wrongs, we should wait on the Lord.

God is the perfect, fair, loving, just Judge. His verdict will fall on each and every one of us--and His indictment will be eternal. We can trust that He knows the 'whole story'. We can believe that He witnessed whatever event was perpetrated. We can know He is aware of the heart situation of each and every person.

So, wait.

Wait for Him to pass the final judgement. Wait for Him to strike His mighty gavel against His judgement seat. Wait for Him to determine right from wrong, fair from unfair, good from bad.

Don't take it into your own hands.


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