Friday, August 19, 2022


Today's reading: Daniel 7-12

"A few years later, the king of the north will return with a fully equipped army far greater than the one he lost." Daniel 11:13 NLT

While this morning's passage is referring to the king of Assyria and a literal army of horsemen, chariots and riders, I see another side...

When you defeat temptation. When you are able to 'just say no'. When you can successfully walk away from what would have brought you down in prior circumstances.


But also know this: our enemy will try harder next time!

The very temptation will grow.

The lure will be more enticing.

The smell sweeter.

The perceived reward greater.

The army bigger!

So like I said, celebrate each and every victory over satan's tactics, but expect him to try harder next time.

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