Today's reading: Isaiah 23-28
"In that day the people will proclaim, This is our God. We trusted in him, and he saved us. This is the Lord, in whom we trusted. Let us rejoice in the salvation he brings!" Isaiah 25:9 NLT
I don't know how long you've been praying for 'it'.
I don't know how many seasons you have endured and still your 'thorn' remains in place.
I don't know how many times you have seen glimpses of hope on the horizon, only to find out it was a mirage.
I do know this:
As a believer in the One True God...
As a child of the Creator of the heavens and the earth...
As one who has accepted Christ as your Savior and Shepherd and Friend...
That day is coming.
All that you are trusting Him for, will come to pass.
Every request that you have prayed for in His will, will be answered.
There will be a day when you will proclaim that He is trustworthy in all you have placed into His caring and loving hands!