Today's reading: Leviticus 13-15
A phrase repeated in these three chapters is this: This is how the priest will determine whether these things are ceremonially clean or unclean.
What pressure that put on the priests!
You see, at this time, not only did these important rules set God's people apart from other nations, it also was their health code.
Sadly, however, these priests could only determine health or unhealthiness from the exterior, or visible--and I think we can all agree, that is only part of the story.
Could your pastor determine your mental health from a quick handshake on Sunday morning?
Might he be able to ascertain your spiritual health from whether or not he saw you carrying your Bible to your pew?
Would he be able to evaluate your emotional well being from watching you sing in the choir?
I'm very glad God is the one who determines our cleanliness now. He sees inside and out. He sees what we attempt to hide and what we expose to the world. He knows the intentions of our hearts and the attitudes we conjure up.
Our Priest is the one who determines for us what is clean or unclean.