Friday, January 6, 2017

Today's reading: Isaiah 1-6

"You furnish lovely music and wine at your grand parties; the harps, lyres, tambourines and flutes are superb! But you never think about the Lord or notice what he is doing." Isaiah 5:12 NLT

Guilty as charged, Lord.

Thank you for pointing out another area where Your mighty work is required to make me into who You have created me to be--and to shine with Your image, not one I've created for myself.

You know me so well.

I rush into things. I attempt to do my best. I plan, re-plan and plan some more. I organize to the millisecond. I...



I... am the problem.

I don't pause long enough to think about what You want, where You are at work, what will bring the most glory and honor to You.

I am sorry.

I am embarrassed.

I am so amazed that You love me enough to bring this to my attention--and offer to work on my heart.

I want to throw the 'parties' in Your honor, not in my own.

I want to see where You are doing mighty things and join You.

I want to serve as You allowed Your Son to serve--even in the shadows where it's not seen.

I want to seek You out in all that I do!

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