Today's reading: Psalm 128-130
"From my earliest youth my enemies have persecuted me--let Israel now say--from my earliest youth my enemies have persecuted me, but they have never been able to finish me off. My back is covered with cuts, as if a farmer had plowed long furrows. But the Lord is good; he has cut the cords used by the ungodly to bind me." Psalm 129:1-4 NLT
Maybe you are having a tough day. A rough season. A hard life.
Things aren't going well--at all for you.
Our enemy has found you and is bullying you in every corner of your life.
The words of well meaning friends carry about as much weight as those who joined Job around his trash heap.
The sunshine seemingly shines on every one but you.
I believe today's verses are for you.
More specifically, these words...
But the Lord is good...
Because He is. Always has been. Always will be.
So post the words where you can see them.
Memorize them and speak them out loud.
Write them on your hand.
Be reminded, times may be tough, the enemy may be pummeling you, BUT God is good!