Thursday, November 23, 2023


Today's reading: Ecclesiastes 9-10

"...Such are the risks of life." Ecclesiastes 10:9 NLT

Living in a fallen world has several downsides to it.

We all suffer at the hands of sin--our own, or that of others.

We all dwell where there is no peace, no real peace.

We all interact with folks who face the same temptations to sin that we face, we rub shoulders with folks who deal with conviction in various ways, we live life with folks who have the same disease most of us are infected with--'the it's-all-about-me' syndrome.

Knowing all this, we hesitate to take risks.

It's risky business to love. It's risky business to forgive. It's risky business to expose our vulnerable feelings. It's risky business to share our hopes and dreams.

My advice?

Take the risk.

This start of a beautiful holiday season, take the risk.

Love on the unloved, the unlovable and the unlovely.

Speak of your dreams.

Share your feelings with those you get to live life with.

Most of all?

Most of all tell the world about your Jesus.

Explain, in your own words, how you once were lost but now are found.

Spread the Good News that rescued you from the pits of hell.

Expose those placed within your hearing to God's love.

Hell is eternal, sharing what you have is worth the risk if you save someone from it.

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