Thursday, September 12, 2024


Today's reading: Psalm 108-110

"...I will sing your praises among the nations. For your unfailing love is higher than the heavens. Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds." Psalm 108:3-4 NLT

Maybe you played the game with your children, or grandchildren. The one where you state, 'I love you this much--', and stretch your arms out as wide as you can.

Maybe you had the book by Sam McBratney that rhymed along with the tale of Daddy Nutbrown Hare as he told Little Nutbrown Hare, 'Guess how much I love you?' 

Maybe, no matter your age or stage in life, it's time you revisited your childhood in regards to how very much God loves you!

His love for you is higher than the heavens--no matter what you've done!

His faithfulness to you reaches to the clouds--no matter how unfaithful others in your life have been!

He loves you to the moon, which He created, and back!

He whispers in your ear, 'I love you enough to give you my Only Son.'

Let your heart see God's arms outstretched showing you just how much He loves you!

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