Thursday, September 19, 2024


Today's reading: Psalm 111-113

"Everything he does reveals his glory and majesty. His righteousness never fails." Psalm 111:3 NLT

Oh, I'm guessing you are already attempting to find 'loopholes' in the EVERYTHING this psalm mentions.

-But what about cancer, Malinda?

-How about when children are hurt, you ask?

-What about the state of our world?

-Why has my son gone off the deep end after being raised in church?

I get it...boy, do I get it.

Things don't always look glorious and majestic.

They don't always have right-ness stamped on them.

We cannot always see God in the tough stuff.

But if we look hard enough...

If we desire eyes to see, really see, Him...

If we would but gaze at God and glance at our problems (a phrase I was just recently introduced to)...

If we would magnify the Master, not the mountain...

We would see Him revealed in it all.

In everything.

Or in our response to everything!


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