Sunday, February 5, 2017

Today's reading: Romans 11-12

"Did God's people stumble and fall beyond recovery? Of course not!.." Romans 11:11 NLT

Lord, did I ever need these words today.

I needn't recap yesterday, You, of course, know all about it.

My words were not seasoned with love.

My heart was not focused on you.

My choices did not reflect those of a God-seeking believer.

I dug a pit for myself most of the day, then wallowed in it like a little pig, until bedtime.

But this morning?

This morning You have shone the light of Your truth into my heart--yesterday is passed!

Your words assure me that I have not stumbled beyond recovery. I have not slipped out of Your reach. I have not wandered too far that You cannot find me. I have not done so much as to make You not love me!

Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father...

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