Sunday, November 22, 2020

Today's reading: Acts 24-26

"Two years went by in this way; then Felix was succeeded by Porcius Festus. And because Felix wanted to gain favor with the Jewish leaders, he left Paul in prison." Acts 24:27 NLT

As I have recently been moaning and groaning my way through an unanswered prayer, I consider this portion on Scripture to be just the reminder I needed.

You see, I needed to be reminded that Paul, one appointed by the Lord...

One doing what God had asked...

One serving with all his ever-loving heart...

One who was attempting to do all he could for the right reasons...

One who had completely given his life over to the Way, to the One...

Was having to wait.

And not just for sun up.

Not just for a thunderstorm to pass.

Not just for the day to end.

Not just for a specific hour to come and go.

He was waiting for the Lord to act on his behalf--and in this instance, it was taking at least two years in a prison cell.

But if it was going to be what God wanted, when God wanted, touching the lives of who God wanted and be as big as God wanted it to be--it would require a wait.

So Paul waited.

And so will I.

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