Saturday, September 17, 2022


Today's reading: John 16-18

"And when he comes, he will convince the world of its sin, and of God's righteousness, and of the coming judgement." John 16:8 NLT

Church, we've got differing thoughts on what's our job and what God himself will do.

We are not called to convince the world of its sins.

Nope, not our job.

We are called to live in the world. To love on the world. To spread the Good News to the world. To help the world. To impact the world. To be little Christ's in the world. To forgive the world. To not set up permanent roots in the world. To be joy filled while in this world. 

God is called to convince the world.

Just God. Not us.

Honestly, we've got the easy part!

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