Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Today's reading: 2 Kings 6-10

"Then the ax head rose to the surface and floated." 2 Kings 6:6 NLT

I'm easily confused.

Gravity mystifies me. Computer programs discombobulate me. Algebra addles my thoughts. Governmental decisions leave me befuddled--and sometimes angry. Floating ax heads? Well, I have to tell you, I've never spent much time trying to figure that one out.

It's not possible. It's highly unlikely. It's nothing I will probably have to worry about. But it's in the Bible, so it's something I need to pay attention to!

God's my provider this verse tells me. Nothing I need is outside His realm of provision, desire or ability.

Floating ax heads. Lost car keys. Enough money for a bill to be paid. Family members who are outside the circle of salvation.

I'll be keeping the thought of an ax head in my mind for those moments when I begin to doubt what my God can do!

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