Tuesday, March 4, 2025


Today's reading: Matthew 23-25

"Heaven and earth will disappear, but my words will remain forever." Matthew 24:35 NLT

The time will come when we cannot hold the Word of God in our hands.

Bibles will be banished, confiscated, gathered up and taken from us.

Scripture won't permitted in the public square or to be printed for the masses.

Couldn't happen, you say?

Never, not in our great nation, you mutter?

God's Word itself says it will come to pass.

Will you still have it hidden in your heart?

Will you be able to draw comfort from what you've memorized, experienced, read, heard and learned?

Are you so intent on being in God's Word that God's Word will remain in you forever? 

I don't believe God ever intended for the Holy Scriptures to be memorialized in a thousand libraries as much as He desired it be treasured in the hearts of man.

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