Monday, May 6, 2024


Today's reading: Luke 1-2

"Then he returned to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them; and his mother stored all these things in her heart." Luke 2:51 NLT

I believe we live in a day and a time when we could all do a little more 'storing in our hearts' and a little less sharing on social media.

Do we need near and dear friends to share prayer requests with--absolutely!

Do we need close personal confidantes with which to vent and resolve issues--we sure do!

Do we need godly members of our church family to lift us up in times of need--a resounding, Yes!

Do we need to air all our dirty laundry, day-to-day interactions and meaningless rants in regards to social injustices, social snubs and social faux paus--NO!

Store a few things in your heart, friends.

At least until you've thought them through...

Or cooled off from them happening...

Or given thought to the far-reaching ramifications of it being publicized...

Or until you are absolutely sure you know the entire story behind what's happened...

Or are in a better frame of mind...

Or evaluated who all will be involved in this fall out of your opinion...

Or if your comment, opinion or response is even really needed...

Or considered whether or not the whole wide world needs to know about it.

Store it in your heart a while so God can work on it--and work on you.

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