Thursday, April 26, 2018

Today's reading: Joshua 22-24

"But as surely as the Lord your God has given you the good things he promised, he will also bring disaster on you if you disobey him." Joshua 23:15 NLT

Surely-with confidence; without doubt; beyond question.

I have to admit I too often dwell on the goodness of God and fail to study, understand and truly believe the jealous side of Him.

Our God promises good to His children.

Our God also promises to discipline us when necessary...

When our hearts wander.

When our lives follow others paths.

When we worship idols.

When comfort is more important than obedience.

When we sin.

When we become more important than Him.

God is good, but the intense level of His goodness is wrapped, imbedded and woven with the just and true nature of a supreme King. One who cannot waiver from His word.

He loves us that much.

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