Monday, September 23, 2024


Today's reading: Acts 1-2

"They were beside themselves with wonder. How can this be? they exclaimed. These people are all from Galilee..." Acts 2:7 NLT

The folks in Jerusalem weren't amazed at the Galileeans.

They weren't amazed at their skills.

They weren't amazed at their abilities.

They stood in wonder at the 'glow about them'...

The 'difference' in them...

The 'something they couldn't really put their finger on'...

What was it? It was the Holy Spirit!

The Holy Spirit, the Comforter promised by Jesus, had arrived and filled the hearts and lives of the Jesus followers that day.

And others could tell the difference!

As a matter of fact, they were 'beside themselves with wonder' over the difference! 

The Holy Spirit's presence was permeating their conversations, filling their mouths with words, beaming from their faces and making them seem magnetic to some--and offensive to others.

I pray that for you and me!

I want what they had--and I want it for you, too.

Holy Spirit fill us so completely that people notice You in us!

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