Friday, January 22, 2016

Today`s reading: Isaiah 18-22

``...When the people cry out to the Lord for help against those who oppress them, he will send them a savior who will rescue them.`` Isaiah 19:20 NLT

Here is just what I needed this morning...

The Scripture doesn`t say, ` If the people need a savior, I will think about sending them one.`

It states clearly, hundreds of years before Christ was born in Bethelehem, before any good Jew would think there might possibly be another way to the Father`s side, before really hard times befell them...a Savior was coming because He would be needed.

It`s always a matter of `when` we finally decide we need Him.

It`s going to happen, we`re going to need Him.

And He will be all we need.

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