Friday, December 13, 2019

Today's reading: Hosea 7-10, 2 John, Proverbs 26:17-21

"They look everywhere except to heaven, to the Most High..." Hosea 7:16 NLT

There are some outstanding Christian authors.

Some amazing Bible preachers and teachers.

Some deeply soul-touching songs.

There are some wonderful Bible-based churches.

Great God-centered small groups.

There are even some positive phone apps that will help us be better Christians.


But, if we aren't looking to God, first and foremost, we aren't doing right by Him or by our hearts.

God has to be our first line of defense. Our first resort. Our first call. Our first aid. Our first choice. Our first response.

Christian friends. Godly people. Our churches. Christian music. Bible-based authors. Those have to come in after we've bowed at His feet, fallen into His arms, stepped into His presence and sought Him out as our refuge and strong tower.

He isn't a last resort.

He isn't someone we contact if the church prayer chain is busy, the class can't meet, the book is checked out of the library by someone else or the radio station won't play 'the song' we're needing to hear.

We have to look to Him. First. Always.

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