Sunday, January 30, 2022


Today's reading: Romans 9-10

"Salvation that comes from trusting Christ--which is the message we preach--is already within easy reach.." Romans 10:8 NLT

I'm a short gal. Lacking in stature. Vertically challenged. Not able to reach things on the top shelf. Not quite tall enough for a lot of things.

But there are advantages...I seldom, if ever, bump my head on things. Or have to duck. 

Having this closer-to-the-earth position caused me to pause as I read and re-read this verse.

Salvation is within reach.

I get that.

So many things are not easily grasped. Even by tall folks.

Many things are not easily attained. Even by rich folks.

Many things are not easily captured. Even by the wisest.

But salvation? God's forgiveness? Assurance of eternity?

It's within our reach!

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