Tuesday, August 20, 2024


Today's reading: Numbers 5-8

"May the Lord bless you and protect you. May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord show you his favor and give you his peace." Numbers 6:24-26 NLT

Some days one just needs a blessing. Not necessarily the kind that can be held in one's hands, or seen with one's eyes, but one that is felt deeply in one's heart.

This blessing does just that.

It's the words God gave Moses and Aaron for blessing the people of Israel--a blessing that is still conveyed in Israelite congregations today.

In the Bible, a blessing refers to flourishing and the multiplication of life. But it doesn't always look like these things, and for many of us, life often looks and feels the opposite.

I believe, merely my thoughts, that's where we have to pray, seek and expect the blessings to come in God's way--the God who sees things from a completely different perspective that we do, the God who sees the beginning and the end of all things, the God whose plans far surpass our wildest imaginations.

Today I want to focus on the blessing we can have, give and expect because we are His. I want it to change my outlook, my countenance and my words.

May you be blessed by the Lord, and may He protect you. May our God smile on you and pour out His graces on your life. May our Savior continue to show you His favor and settle your soul with the abundance of His peace. Amen

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