Saturday, June 14, 2014

Today's reading:  Luke 11-12

"As Jesus finished speaking, the Pharisees and teachers of religious law were furious..."  Luke 11:53 NLT

I don't know about you, but this segment of Scripture is probably one of the few where I could say I was the most like Jesus.

You see, I tell others what the Bible says--and it makes them mad.

I quote Scripture--and they become uncomfortable or at times belligerent.

I explain to them, in His own words, what God says about such and such--and they call me intolerant and incapable of understanding.

I attempt, very poorly most days, to live a godly life--and I'm considered old-fashioned and out of the 'loop'.

Jesus wasn't applauded for what He did and said.

I shouldn't be expecting any less, but I should keep on trying to be His vessel.

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