Friday, March 10, 2017

Today's reading: Isaiah 51-55

"Get out! Get out and leave your captivity, where everything you touch is unclean. Get out of there and purify yourselves, you who carry home the sacred objects of the Lord." Isaiah 52:11 NLT

Some of us continue to reside in the gutter the Lord found us in.

Maybe not physically, but certainly mentally and emotionally.

We allow the same temptations to surround us.

We let the same relationships infect us.

We fail to react in new ways to old taunts.

We go, mind or body, to places we know are not good for us.

So it's time, the Lord tells Israel and tells us, to Get out!

We are now holders, in our hearts, of sacred objects of the Lord.

We hold Christ's blood in our hearts!

We possess a key to eternal life!

We have a peace which passes all understanding!

We have the privilege of sharing the Good News with everyone we meet!

And yet we remain in captivity. Inside our enemy's pit of despair, or pit of ease. We continue to allow satan to poke and prod us.

Let's get out and go on!

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