Thursday, October 10, 2013

Today's reading:  Proverbs 29-30

"...Who holds the wind in his fists?  Who wraps up the oceans in his cloak?  Who has created the whole wide world?.."  Proverbs 30:4 NLT

The lesson last night with the little ones was about God our Creator, with Genesis 1:1 being our memory verse.

I needed the reminder of just how wonderful creation and a Creator are...I needed to see it through 'kid eyes'.

I needed to think about how He created all this out of nothing.

I needed to take a break from the busyness of life to sit in awe of all He's done.

I needed to slow down and notice the intricacies of His creation, His gift to us.

I needed to hear how 'cool' and 'amazing' and 'neat' and 'wow-ing' the creation moments were.

I needed to re-think the idea that in the beginning God was all there was and as wonderful as He is, He chose to paint us into this picture with a grand flourish of His hand.

I needed the knee-high reminder of how great our Creator is!


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